Recent Posts by 郭 筱芬


大陸/香港顧客,可提供大陸帳戶直接匯人民幣.寄送方式目前配合郵局/海運快遞跟平潭海運小三通,若有其他運送方式請告知.謝謝您! 外島地區(澎湖/馬祖/金門),除無法使用(貨到付款及超商取貨),其他繳款方式均可配送*視氣候可能無法隔日配*! 請先確認好金額在匯款: 目前海外其它國家可提供Pay Pal付款,直接線上訂購,目前優惠2斤茶葉(1200克)免運費優惠,有任何疑問歡迎洽詢! 因為目前疫情關係,有部分海外國家無法配送,而且運送時間會較長 ,敬請見諒!  
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喝茶人都知道,茶葉品質好壞,影響的層面相當多,今天要分享的是其中一環~季節.有人說"春ㄚ茶重香,冬仔茶重水"待我以下說明: 1.春茶:約農曆3月中旬~五月上旬--高海拔茶樹在歷經寒冷的冬季,幾乎冬眠的狀態<15度以下>,隨著回暖,開始緩慢萌芽,所以芽葉肥厚,果膠含量高,特別有一番"冷"氣,是很多愛茶人首選, 採收順序為低海拔往上收到高海拔,而高海拔採收時間會因氣溫而有所延後 2.二水:為中低海拔採的第二輪春茶.天氣越熱.茶樹生長越快,收成的量也不少,特色茶葉間距較大 3.夏茶:生長季節為一年四季中,最炎熱且雨量較多,所以芽葉長成快,茶質內容少,一般較為苦澀.<中高海拔不採> 4.秋茶:約農曆9月上旬~10月中旬--特色是較耐泡,喜歡喉韻重的客人首選.俗稱白露茶. 5.冬茶:約農曆10月下旬~11月下旬--此時由高海拔往下收,大多茶氣清香 ,茶水清澈,讓人回味無窮! 6.冬片:為冬茶採收完,在長成嫩芽,雖較沒喉韻 ,確因有獨特香氣,有不少死忠愛好者. 7.不知春:在早春時,有一些在冬茶採收完,長成的量夠採收量,因還不到正春採收季節,故此得名. 茶葉是植物,生長時氣候是影響最大,沒有一個定數,所以以上分享都是大數法則,僅供參考ㄛ!
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Winter SproutInt Introduction

The Winter Sprout is also called winter second harvest which is new sprouts grew after the winter tea harvested. For the speed of growing of Winter Sprout is much slower than other seasons, the buds and sprouts are thus smaller and the yield is less accordingly. For the reasons make little difference with winter tea.…
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Tea brewing method

[Brewing method] ★ For hot drink: First rinse the tea pot and cups with boiling water to preheat and sterilize them. Place the tea leaves into the pot to fill about 1/4 to 1/5 of its contents. (approximately a thin layer on the bottom of the pot) 3 Pour out the initial brew in about…
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手採茶與Mechanical Harvest的優缺點

這幾年來由於早期培訓採茶工的年紀漸大.年輕一輩覺得辛苦,投入人力不足,因此近年來每到採茶時期.大家都不夠採茶工.但茶樹不能等.所以使用機器 採收茶葉的狀況愈來愈多,很多茶友認為機剪茶品質較差,也有人認使用機器採收少了茶梗重量比較划算,到底機剪與手採有何優缺點呢? 手採茶與機器採收茶的優缺點 手採 優點:使用手採能確保茶葉的完整性,泡茶時能完整展開來,相較於機採破碎的葉片視覺上能帶來較佳的喝茶感受,完整適放茶質較優。 缺點:人力成本較高,手採茶售價通常較高。人工採收速度較慢,也無法集中在中午茶葉品質最佳時採收。 Mechanical Harvest Within the characteristics as fewer manpower required, lower costs needed more, less weight than hand-made gathering for no tea stalk picked, make the price cheaper and more valuable. For the faster speed on harvesting, the harvest could be worked at noon when the dew is gone completely.…
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Taiwan High Mountain Tea-Alishan mountain ranges

Alishan mountain ranges, Chiayi Countys, Chiayi County With its cloudy sun exposure during the day and climate changes as the elevation increases during the night, the altitude spans a broad range from Meishan, Jhuci, Jhongpu Tai Po village, all the way to the Fanlu region. Through the high altitude misty mornings and sudden drops of…
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Taiwan High Mountain Tea-Shan Lin Xi Region

Shan Lin Xi Region The region is covered with clouds through all year, frequently accompanied with frost in winter lead to the longer growth period, thus the taste is characterized by bitter with sweet, fresh smell of fir within mineral flavor, rich and smooth tastes. This variety is truly the best of tea when having…
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Taiwan High Mountain Tea-Lishan Tea area

Lishan Tea area: Covering ranges from Hong-hsiang, Chun-yang, chin-jing and Cui-feng, all the way up to 2600 meters above sea level to the Fushou Mountain tea farm.   Due to its full organic minerals of the soil and fresh water source with year round cloud density and long growth periods, making this tea to retain…
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