Category Archives: News

International postal service impacts due to COVID-19

1. Chunghwa Post announced today that, due to the outbreak of COVID-19, airlines have suspended flights, so airmail services (including air parcel and EMS) to many destinations are suspended. Currently, air mail service is available to 28 destinations. (1)Please noted that only Parcel service is available to  Cambodia and Spain. (2)Only EMS service is available to  Australia、Czech…
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International postal service impacts due to COVID-19

1. Chunghwa Post announced today that, due to the outbreak of COVID-19, airlines have suspended flights, so airmail services (including air parcel and EMS) to many destinations are suspended. Currently, air mail service is available to 24 destinations. However, please noted that only EMS service is available to  Australia、Czech Rep.、Sweden、Poland、Switzerland、Belgium、New Zealand、Cambodia and Canada. 2. Due to…
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【餅持茶味】嘖嘖募資11/25 20:00正式上線!⏰ 這是一款100%都由台灣高山茶葉製成的小茶餅 為什麼要這麼"搞剛" 餅持茶味-台灣造型高山茶小茶餅系列,是臻德茶葉歷經1年多的研發測試開發而成,這是一款100%都由台灣高山茶葉製成的小茶餅,出國、 露營、國外參展小禮物、辦公室招待客戶、活動伴手禮都非常適合,這是台灣高山茶的創舉! 因為我們希望能開發一款屬於台灣茶的代表伴手禮! 【餅持茶味】7大特色⚡ 1.無法混茶-100%台灣手採高山茶。 2.保存便利-單人份的小包裝好保存好攜帶。 3.隨時沖泡-8克剛剛好的份量,馬克杯或保溫瓶都可以沖泡出好茶味。 4.品種多樣-掌握關鍵技術讓茶餠不在只有熟茶,各種茶種都可以製作。 5.造型討喜-台灣的造型讓收禮的人知道喝的都是台灣茶! 6.通過檢驗標準認可,皆符合農藥殘留法規。 【泡一杯好茶,原來可以這。麼。輕。鬆】 不用在準備大包小包不用怕走味。 不管新手/老手,一顆剛剛好的份量, 當自己的品茶師!隨身帶著走,享受好茶就是這麼簡單! 希望你也能支持我們翻轉台茶的用心! **商標/專利已申請, 請勿仿冒!
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